Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Welcome to AAA;
Avatar Addicts Anonymous.
If now or at any time in the past you have felt a need to log onto Iconator, obsessively search for avatars that somehow describe you or something you are feeling, you need some help. Sadly, I cannot give you that help because I myself am also an addict. Oh well.
Ha. Ha. I am truly beginning to become obsessed with the pretty little avatars that I find that relate to myself and my life. It's like giving you my life story in the form of little 100x100 pixel square photographs that have inspiring sayings or lyrics scribbled onto them. I don't know why, but when I find one that particularly fits me, I snatch it up and it makes me feel special. Simple mind, simple pleasures (I'm only joking. My mind is a complex labyrinth of reality and fantasy. You get inside my brain and you'll never get out!) Anywhom, I'm on my way to Jaina's soon. Loverly little jainer-poo. Hey, did you know that when I'm bored I pick strings outta my jeans? Oh, you did? Okay, just checking. Uhmm...urr...yepp. I'm gonna go draw now.
Bye lovvies :]

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today's the Day!

Today's the day where Tori, Ashlee, Kaeleigh and I are going to be baptised. This is a very important day in each of our lives because we're proclaiming that we are going to live for Jesus. Also, we will all "die" today, not literally of course, but figuratively. When we're submerged in the water, we are "dying", and then when we're raised up again we're being ressurected. Anywho, if you're reading this, just please pray for me and the other girls, especially since I don't like speaking in front of crowds too much, and I'm pretty nervous. I'll make another post later telling you how it goes!

EDIT;; I was baptised! Wee! And I wasn't nervous at all, and although some of the other girls were a bit anxious we all got through it just fine. It was awesome to see three of my great friends being baptised along with me, and we even had some laughs. Kaeleigh and I both messed up a little, but it was okay because everyone in the church laughed and understood. Anyways, here are some avatars I found that I thought related to this post:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I've Switched Back!

Alright, alright, now that I've THOROUGHLY confused you guys, I've switched back to Blogspot! I decided to do this because:

  • It's easier to switch templates (which I had a heck of a time doing on xanga)
  • I can post icons on here, (which I can't do on xanga)
  • You can actually comment my blog now <3
  • And...and...I love you guys :)

So once again a new start, and hopefully I'll find a new template to go along with it.

Muchooo love <3
