Sunday, February 17, 2008

Three Cheers for Vacation!

Hip, hip, HOORAY! No school, no homework, no classes...yay! Vacation is an awesome invention. Whoever thought that up was a genius ;) I absolutely CANNOT wait for the 30 Hour Famine, it's gonna be a blast just like always! I got two more sponsors today, so I'm reaching for my goal slowly but surely...where are you all at on your quest for sponsorship, eh? I bet you're all ahead of me! Hehe :) Yeah, so, I just figured I should post something, seeing as I haven't in a bit, and I know you guys are sooo intrigued and just hang on my every word, right? (SARCASM THERE FOLKS!)

Oh, Meghan will appreciate this: I FINISHED MAXIMUM RIDE 2!!! I started the third one and let me just say...WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Everything is so like...ASJKAJSKLAKSJD in the book, it's awesome and confusing at the same time! It'll start to make sense soon though, I know that. Just had to get that out there.

Er...I don't really have much else to say right now. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting? Who knows. I went to the mall today and got some clothes/earrings but...that's about it. Hopefully sometime this week I'm gonna get my hair done, cause I'm so bored with it and I wanna make a change...any suggestions? What would look nice on me? Just curious :)

Okay, my mega-boring post is all done now. The "Comment" button is right down there. Please, excercise your right to use it.