Monday, July 7, 2008

Berea and Avatars

Ahh, it's been a while, hasn't it? And I wonder if any of you are still reading my blog...haha, perhaps I should be more active in posting about my dreadfully uneventful life :) Only joking. In fact, the past week hasn't been as lacking in adventure as usual. I went to Camp Berea for a week (yipee!) and I had an amazing time. First and foremost, I know this is going to sound sort of cheesy or whatever, but in all honesty my relationship with the Lord has grown, I guess you could say. I've learned the importance of prayer in my everyday life, whereas beforehand I felt like I was talking to the wall. I'm sure we've all felt this way at one time or another...but I learned that if I write my prayers down on paper, it feels different. I'm not really sure how to explain it. Anywho, that's business between God and I, not you guys :) So onto the next subject. I fell in love with archery at Berea's so much fun and it takes a lot of practice and's exactly my kind of sport! Of course it's only my second favorite sport now (nothing will ever, EVER take place of riding for me). But still, it's extremely fun.
Hm...what else was I going to say? Oh, right, avatars. If you scroll waaaay way down you can see the new section of avatars I've put in. This one is for awesome Narnia avatars. Why? Because Narnia ROCKS. End of story :)


Symeria said...

Your avvies ARE lovely, Bri ;) heeheehee