Friday, March 28, 2008


I think..

I am in love.

Jasper Cullen=amazingness.

^ Props to MEGHAN for that deliciousness ^

On a less obsessive note...TONIGHTS THE ALL NIGHTERRRR YO! Everyone bring cameras, sugar, and of course bring yourself. I'm so pumped, it's going to rock!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Meghan and John...

It's coming, I promise. My computer decided to be a goon and not work at the moment...

...but you'll see it tomorrow.

And so will anyone else who reads my blog (:

Mwahahaha...the suspense is killing you, isn't it?


You've got it, so use it.

It WILL be sunny tomorrow.

No rain, no snow, no hail/sleet/drizzle/any other possible form of precipitation.


On a less psychotic note, or could be more psychotic, but whatever: I was so dang hyper today! I was spinning around in circles, making odd noises sporadically, having spontaneous giggling fits, and lip synching to songs I don't even like. I was going to video tape some of it for you too, but the camera died. I'll see what I can do about charging it ;)

Prayers for my mom please, if you wanna know why, IM me.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's safe to approach me now,

I promise. I've settled down a bit, now that I've got a new layout that I like and I've recovered some of my old avvies as well as new ones. Phew. Sorry for freaking out there, everyone...but I should look on the bright side and take this as a fresh start. Tell me what you think of the new, well, everything.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I don't know...

If anyone's even reading lately, but this is my third post today and...

Wow. Just WOW.

Got my dang layout back but my avvies, my text, is gone.


Freaking everything.

Edit;; I found a new layout...maybe this is a good oppurtunity to start over but...I'm still ticked off.

I'm about to flip about.

So, for those of you who even read this anymore, just sit blog layout is being retarted and not working. Just...



I should just quit posting.

Does anyone even read this anyways?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So Progress Report:

(I am missing you to death.)

Guess what.

I'm ticked off.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Everytime I Get On a Horse...

I re-discover my passion for riding. Every single time.

I don't feel like going into an elaborate description right now, but I'll give you a visual.

Imagine...watching people taking their horses out for their first real run in months, elated looks on their faces as they race around the ring on rambunctious animals, eager to finally stretch their legs. The first orange glow of sunshine since the winter is painted on the sky, the perfect backdrop for such a beautiful scene. The horses and riders look in perfect unison, the girls with grins on their faces and the horses having so much fun as they throw a couple of bucks and chase eachother around in circles. You're watching the greatest sport--no, make that lifestyle--on Earth, and's your turn.
