Monday, July 7, 2008

Berea and Avatars

Ahh, it's been a while, hasn't it? And I wonder if any of you are still reading my blog...haha, perhaps I should be more active in posting about my dreadfully uneventful life :) Only joking. In fact, the past week hasn't been as lacking in adventure as usual. I went to Camp Berea for a week (yipee!) and I had an amazing time. First and foremost, I know this is going to sound sort of cheesy or whatever, but in all honesty my relationship with the Lord has grown, I guess you could say. I've learned the importance of prayer in my everyday life, whereas beforehand I felt like I was talking to the wall. I'm sure we've all felt this way at one time or another...but I learned that if I write my prayers down on paper, it feels different. I'm not really sure how to explain it. Anywho, that's business between God and I, not you guys :) So onto the next subject. I fell in love with archery at Berea's so much fun and it takes a lot of practice and's exactly my kind of sport! Of course it's only my second favorite sport now (nothing will ever, EVER take place of riding for me). But still, it's extremely fun.
Hm...what else was I going to say? Oh, right, avatars. If you scroll waaaay way down you can see the new section of avatars I've put in. This one is for awesome Narnia avatars. Why? Because Narnia ROCKS. End of story :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The color black is happy
The flower is very
The wing is
I am

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Just so you know, I’ll never be like you
I’ll take what God has made me
I’m not an empty shell
I’m finally awake
I feel alive today
I feel everything, It’s all so clear to me
How many times have I hated who I was
Lost sight of what defines me
‘Cause of airbrushed magazines?

But now I’ve come to cherish who I am
I’m sick and tired of faking a life that wasn’t mine.

-Seventh Day Slumber

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

An Elaboration;

..on my last post. It wasn't very substantial :P But you get the picture, right? EPIC. I'm gonna write down some things that I noticed in the movie, and that made the movie for me, but I'm going to warn you:
Oh, and also, these are all my ideas. I know Meghan posted a review before me but these are all my opinions, and I saw the movie before her anyways.
I don't want to spoil anything for you so.
If you haven't seen it..

Don't read this.

I'm warning you.

Stop here.


First of all..
WOAH. Edmund MATURED. Since the last movie, he has finally developed into a young man. His dialogue is nearly always sarcastic or clever, and he's even a better fighter this time around. He beats someone up with a flashlight for goodness' sake. He seems to have learned his lesson since LWW, and we can see that especially when he basically pulverizes the White Witch when she's trying to return.
Peter's character is as noble as it was in LWW, but I think he's better portrayed in this movie because he's not as "perfect"; we do see some flaws. He is an incredible swordsman and a good leader, even though he and Caspian do butt heads sometimes. Not to mention he's cute o_O So is Ed..aah you didn't read that. Moving on.
Susan became INTENSE. She's all like...BAM YOU GOT SERVED! She is like amazing at archery, and I'm going to agree with Meghan on this one; she is like the female Legolas. Admittedly Susan has inspired me to try archery at Berea this summer. She's my favorite character also =]
Even Lucy has matured since LWW.. she's not the "baby" anymore. She is the one who finds Aslan again when all hope seems lost, and her faith remains intact even in the hardest times. She even portrays unfailing trust when she stands next to Aslan and doesn't even flinch as an entire army comes after her. She also rides through the forest alone with Telmarine soldiers on her tail. Uh.. yeah. That's intense.

The battle/fighting scenes are like WOAH! The imagery is amazing, every single one of the actors played their characters well, and everything was so well coordinated and believable I felt like I was in Narnia (I wish). Some of the scenes got my heart pounding, and I sometimes forgot I was in the movie theater and was totally captivated by what was happening on screen.

I think I could write so much more about this... but my head's still spinning from the AWESOMENESS. All I can say is wooooooooaaaaaaah, this is officially one of my all-time favorite movies!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Prince Caspian.
All I have to say is..


Monday, May 12, 2008


I just started a blog post for you all to read.. but it turned out very long and very emotional. Eventually it transformed into something so personal, I chose not to put it up here. I only want a select few people to read it, sorry if you're not one of them..
Anyways, please keep my family in your prayers. We're under stress right now, and we need God to make things right.

I just realized this is kind of a puny/worthless post but, whatever. I figured I'd get something out there so you guys know I'm still, you know, alive.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Scratch That.

So, exploring Drafting was officially the most boring thing I have ever endured.
Moving on to Graphics! Yippee..

Do I belong anywhere?