Saturday, December 29, 2007

3:35 AM and Nothing to Do

You know what? I'm thinking that would make one great song title.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Underdog

I've successfully come across a Jonas Brothers song that I can honestly say PERFECTLY describes me. It's called "Underdog" and here are the lyrics:

She's an underdog
Lives next door to me
She's always heard you won't amount to anything
And it kills me to watch the agony beyond her eyes
Tragic the way people pass her by

But now I realize
That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she takes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world

That's the first verse/chorus. If you want to listen to the whole thing then here: It's an amazing song, which has made it's way onto my list of official favorites (: Tell me what you thinnnkkkk. Oh, and like my new header?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry CHRISTmas!

Since it's officially Christmas (12:37 A.M.) I decided to wish you all a very merry day! Hope you all are content with what ever you have and you don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season! And I also wanted to show you guys a little poem I wrote earlier:

Away in a manger
A dusty box for His bed
Stowed away in your basement
Smothered by green and red
Instead of the wise men
You've got snowmen and cheer
Forget sheep and oxen when
There's flying reindeer
Instead of the holy child
A jolly old man's on display
Ribbons and bows replace
The bed of hay
Presents wait to be opened
Under the "holiday" tree
Blinded by the lights and ornaments
You've failed to see
This arrangement is empty
Without Jesus it's bland and dry
It's a counterfeit Christmas
Open your eyes

Tell me what you think of the poem! :) I'll post later on today, you know, during the NORMAL waking hours (tehehe) to tell you all about my day. Leave comments and tell me how your Christmas was, too! <3
P.S. If there's any random lurker people on this blog, though I doubt it, if you even think about stealing my poem I will track you down like a wolf. No joke.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Music and Earrings

Chelsea and I aren't starting a band (why is why I deleted my last post!). But anyways, we agreed that our musical styles would clash...a lot. So I'm still gonna start one, I'm DETERMINED to. And I think I know who I'll make it witthhh :) Anyways, I just got my ears pierced again! Right on the cartilage at the top. Ow oww. Here, take a looksie!:

I think it looks cool. Some people *coughJOHNcough* think it's weird. Boys are silly. Anyways, it didn't hurt too kinda felt like my ear was being hole-punched (tehehe). It'll gonna be a bugger to sleep on buuuttt it's worth it!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Do Re Mi...

Me wants to learn how to play guitar. And then I'm gonna start a band :D Hahaha! Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? I'm serious here. That would be so awesome. We could write songs and then get famous ferreaall ;)

Have a great Christmas everybody <3

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Joe Jonas (:

Many of you don't know this yet, but...I have a GIANT crush on Joe Jonas. Like, asjklsdjkldjss. That much. He's hysterical, a Christian, and INCREDIBLY cute!

*dreamy sigh*:

Hahahaha. Gotta love him.
Oh and if you want to be my best friend me tickettsss >:D
Just playing. Love you guysss <3>

Monday, December 17, 2007


Okay, so, I haven't posted in like a week so my brain is all fuzzy. Let's see, where to begin? Oh, I know:

I can't believe it. I'm finally free of that dreaded place I used to call work. Now I'm home free to find a job I like better! Oh, and I can have my weekends to myself like a normal teenager. I swear they wanted me to be their slave.
Hmm, what else? Ah, youth group was entertaining. I wasn't particularly good at "Four On A Chair" (never was) but afterwards Jaina and I had a lovely romp through the giant snow pile. We rolled down it, through it, jumped into/off it, it was amazing! Jaina was hesitant to do the forwards roll because she didn't want to break her neck...she was right. Oops.
Asdsjkldkghkgf good news! I've been wanting to take fencing lessons and it turns out that they have them in my town! So I'll probably start those next month :) And see if I can pull someone along with me as well. I also started the Maximum Ride books. Nudge is my favorite character so far :P
That's all for now...I seriously have no drive to keep typing right now. I've been super tired the past few days and I donno why -_- I'm gonna scoot, ta-ta-for-now!

Monday, December 10, 2007

You know what sucks?

Worrying about money.

Honestly, if you're on the lower end of middle class, you have to worry about gas prices and whether or not you'll make it through bill payments.
And you miss out on things you'd really enjoy, just because you can't pay for it.
I might sound selfish right now...
Or ungrateful.
But I'm not.
I'm just sick and tired of feeling concerned about having to scrape by for another month.
Tired of wanting something so badly, having such a passion for it and striving for it...
But being deprived of that one thing while other people are out flushing their money down the toilet on things they don't really need.
That's what sucks.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I got bored, and I also got to thinking. I gotta get started on this novel of mine. Sooo what's better inspiration than drawing a picture of your main character? Here she is folks, Miss Ava. I still have yet to figure out her last name. Tell me what you think, okay?
Anywho, it's one A.M. and my dad just came out and told me to go to bed. Oops...:) Later!

P.S. Click on the image to see it better <3

I Think I Need Sleep

I mean...just look at my eyes...:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ow. My Lips Hurt.

I have nothing to post about. Absolutely nothing.

Okay I lied. Today I went on a trail ride in the snow instead of having a real lesson and...OWWWWCHHH. I gotta remember to wear gloves from now on when I'm riding. Really cold air+bare fingers=PAIN. and numbness.

Ohh and did I mention that I quit my job today? Okay, I didn't exactly quit, but I informed my managers that I was leaving. Ha, yeah, that's more like it. I gave them two weeks notice and then I'm outta there. It was beginning to make me miserable. Like...legit. Whenever the weekend rolled around I started to get depressed and pretty lethargic because I knew work was coming up, and honestly I just don't fit in there. I hate it.

So I only hafta work there for like two more days and then I'm home free to find a job I like better. I want to work in a bookstore or an arts and crafts store. Or a tack shop! I would enjoy that a lot. But there's no tack shops around here :( Poo.

Um. So. Yep. Here's something that you need to see:

me: hey look it's john!
john: no
john: it isn't
john: this is his ghost.
me: oh snap
john: can't you tell?
me: Sorry for misinterpreting your transparency. i thought it was a case of bad sushi.
Okay. I'm done here. And...I love you guys. And...comment...