Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What happens when...

Two people are obviously attracted to each other


but neither can muster up the courage to say "hi"?

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Equine Protection Program

Okay, so you can ignore the title because I seriously couldn't think of anything better...but it will be explained later on in this post. But before you get to the good stuff, I get to torture you with a survey that you must read in it's entirety before hearing about...dun dun dun...the dream!:

Name: Brianna of courseeee
Age: 15
Years Riding: like 1.5 now (wish it was more!)
About Your Horse:
If you don't have a horse of your own, do a favorite school horse!)
Name: Scotty
Show Name: --Unknown--
Color: Strawberry roan appaloosa
Breed: I should probably find that out
Markings: Abnormal blaze (haha it's so cute) two socks & two stockings
Gender: Gelding
Age: I should probably find that out too, huh?
Do You Know How To...
Braid?: nah
Band?: nope
Pick out a hoof?: yep
Muck a stall?: of course
Sit a trot?: yup
Post to a trot?: yessir
Jump?: somewhat
Load a horse into a trailer?: not exactly haha
Bridle a horse?: yeesssS
addle a horse?: mhmm
Lead a horse?: uh huh
Clean tack?: bridle yes, saddle no
Check for lameness?: only if it's really obvious
Canter?: yup
Groom a horse?: mhmm
Prepare for a show?: i have a good idea
Put on a winter blanket?: ehh
Mix your horse's feed?: not really
Pull a mane?: I think so
Clip a horse?: yesss
Braid a tail?: I've tried but it hasn't worked yet haha :)
Start a foal?: nah
Ride a bucking horse?: sure
Ride a rearing horse?: nope lol
Lunge a horse?: never tried
Compete in a showmanship class?: not yet
Compete in a trail class?: nah
So, what do you do? nothing as of now, gonna get into jumping though hopefully :)
Ride trails?: sometimes. they bore me unless they're super exciting
Show?: not yet
Just ride for fun?: Sometimes :)
Pleasure (Western Pleasure, HUS)?: i ride english, not western
Dressage?: ick no
Jumping?: soooonnn :D
Equitation? meh
Horsemanship?: nope
Bareback?: mhmm
Speed/gaming?: no
Cross country?: hopefully in the future
Mounted shooting?: i'm not into that
Battle reenacting?: no, that either
Foxhunting?: nooo
Endurance?: nah
Roping?: nope
Cutting?: it looks like fun but once again I don't ride western
Bronc riding?: i would never
Ride-and-tie?: nahh?
Saddleseat?: no
Sidesaddle?: eww no
Driving?: nah
Thoroughbred racing?: i like it but don't participate in it
Standardbred racing?: nopeee
Another kind of racing (e.g. Quarter Horse)?: nah
Polo?: polo's intense, but no
Polocrosse?: huh?
Vaulting?: vaulting is cool! still no
Leadline?: nah
Halter?: no
Showmanship?: nope
Lead-in trail?: no
Now for some random stuff!
How many years have you been riding?: one and a half or something like that
Is your horse shod?: I dunno?
Do you know anything about natural horsemanship?: little bits & pieces of info. :)
What discipline have you not tried that you'd like to try?: xc
When was the last time you fell off?: when Blue bucked me off :(
Have you even fallen off before? chyeah, multiple times
Who was the first horse you ever rode in a lesson?: (where I'm riding now?) Cori
How old was the oldest horse you've ever ridden?: in the 20's
What about the youngest horse?: No clue
Have you ever handled a stallion?: Mhmm
What about a foal?: nope
What do you think about helmets?: they keep my head in one piece, so I like them
Do you like giving your horse a bath?: Yeahh it's fun :D
Is your horse really hot, really calm, or somewhere in the middle?: In the middle. Scotty's spooky.
Does your horse spook a lot?: yeahh, see above. he freaks over tiny things.
Have you ever used your horse's tail brush on yourself?: not yet haha
Have you used one of those groomer stones?: ???
Have you ever ridden along a road?: yup, a few times. it attracted some strange looks from people driving by lol.
Have you ever ridden into a body of water?: if a flooded bridge counts, then yeah :)
Do you like grooming your horse?: yessssssss!
Have you ever fallen off at a show?: nope
Do you like petting your horse's nose? yeah :P
Has a horse ever fallen on you?: no, but it's bound to happen sometime.
Have you ever ridden...?
An Appaloosa?: Scotty is an Appy!
A Quarter Horse?: Think so
A Thoroughbred?: nope
A Mustang?: Want to!
A pony?: Mhmm, Littleman :3
A horse over 16 hands?: maybe a 16 hh horse, not over though.
A Shire?: nope
A Percheron?: no
A Clydesdale?: nah but it would be nasstyy :)
An American Saddlebred?: Maybe?
A Morgan?: YES. Morgans are fast little buggers.
More random stuff time!
Do you own a pair of breeches?: like 3 pairs haha
Have you ever walked without stirrups?: of course
Trotted without stirrups?: mhmm
Cantered without stirrups?: nope
Jumped without stirrups?: not yet
Have you ever ridden without reins?: yup!
In your first lesson, were you put on a lunge line?: yeah, but not at where i'm riding now.
Have you ever had a lesson on the lunge line?: uhh no?
Do you like psycho horses?: well they can be entertaining haha.Do you like sturdy, reliable horses?: I like a challenge, but I also need to be able to trust my horse. so for the most part, yes.
Is your horse good about having his/her feet lifted?: NO. Scotty has ouchie feet, and he's bothered by them being lifted :(
Is your horse's mane wild? naahhh
Will your horse ground tie?: ???
What color is your saddle pad?: i always use a red one :)
What color is your horse's halter?: leather (brown)
What color lead rope do you have?: i don't own any, but the barn has like 2390283922 million
Have you ever given your horse Gatorade (or something like that)? nope. but i hear they like it!Does your horse switch his tail and hit you?: sometimes accidentally in the stall. it hurts haha.
Have you ever been to a breed show?: nahh
Are you in 4-H or Pony Club?: nope
What color is the manure fork that you use most often?: nothing specific
Do you prefer straw or felt hats?: uhh neither haha
What color breeches do you like most?: my black oneeess :)
Have you ever won a belt buckle?: nuh uh
Do you ever carry a crop?: sometimes
Do you ever wear spurs?: never
What color is the barn?: brown

Yeah, okay, so now that you're officially bored, I'll start explaining about the dream I h
ad last night. It was highly interesting, and it had a lot of meaning to me. You'll see why:

I was walking down a city road in the middle of the night with Scotty (the horse of course!). We turned into a dark alleyway that held no light at all, yet we continued to proceed down it anyways. It was littered with garbage and I just wanted to get out of there and get home as soon as possible. So we kept walking but I heard a slight noise behind me and I can barely make out the face of a man leaning on the fence behind me. He is fat and bald and covered in grease stains, and looks like he belongs in the cooking area of a fast food resteraunt. Startled by seeing him there I stop for a split second with Scotty still by my side and gasp because I see a long, sharp knife in his hand. I start to walk away again, quicker this time, but keeping my eyes on the man. He tells me in a gruff voice that he was just cutting things with the knife (trying to reassure me that he wasn't going to hurt me) but I could tell he was lying just by his voice and looking at his eyes. I started to jog away quickly and turned the corner. I could hear the man following, so frantically I step up on a crate and then in just a moment I am on Scotty's back and we are galloping away. This is the end of the dream, but the galloping lasts a few moments and it is just the best feeling I have ever experienced. I feel like all of my worries are shedding away and that nothing can catch us.

The symbolicism hidden in there can be interpreted in a few ways, atleast in my opinion. It shows that even in times of fear and trouble, having a horse can help you get through it. Horses are the best animals there ever were, and I can feel a huge connection with them whenever I'm around them. I also see it as, when I'm riding or when I'm with Scotty I don't have to worry about anything other than having fun or just enjoying my time there. Lastly I can also see it being interpreted as the feeling of freedom someone gets when they're riding, the ability to be carefree and unafraid. Just sitting in the saddle gives you an enormous amount of courage and a feeling of security. You probably have no idea how much I love horses and being with them and riding, or know how any of these emotions feel when it comes to horses, but it is the most important thing to me (other than Jesus, family & friends, of course!) and only other horse people can understand that kind of feeling.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The door creaking

Sink leaking

Why can't it

Just be silent

For a moment

And then maybe

I'd be able to

Hear my thoughts.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Maybe Another Day

Saying hello to you seems an impossible feat
The words catch on my tongue and I try to repeat
The phrases I practiced over and over again
The way I'm feeling, it's hard to explain
When you walk by I try to speak
But my mouth is dry, my knees are weak
I stand in silence as you make your way
Oh well, maybe another day..

I was in a poem writing mood. If you don't know what this is about then maybe I'll tell you sometime.
(I'm in a blah mood right now so comments will make me happy, kapeesh?)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Applaud My Managers

For telling me I don't have to work tommorow.



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Looking Into The Past

Did you know that when you look up to the Heavens during the night and see hundreds of stars twirling about, you're actually looking into the past? It's the truth; the light from outer space takes so long to reach Earth, it's lightyears old! But living where I live, well, I never really get the chance to see that many stars doing a ballet in the navy blue evenings, but when I do choose to venture outside and tilt my head up, I cherish my limited view. Just a minute ago I was outside, sitting against the side of my house on the porch rail gazing up at the night sky. As cars whizzed by I can assume I was a sight to behold to passerby, sitting alone on my porch at night with knee high striped socks and an astounded expression (I mean, it's not everyday that kids actually appreciate things anymore, right?). But the way I looked was unimportant, I was too busy being fascinated by the Lord's glorious creations. The stars were like a map or connect-the-dot illustrations to some unknown story we haven't quite figured out yet. Maybe, it's God's blueprint. Whatever the stars happen to be, whether floating compressed orbs of space debris or celestial wonders, I am utterly astounded by the beauty that God made them to be. So, whoever's reading this right now, I challenge you to get up off the couch or, rather, your computer chair, quit reading this blog post, go outside and take a few moments to look into the past...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Caffeine;; Please Drink Responsibly

Depending on your definition of "drunk" you could probably say that Jaina and I were drunk last night. Of course not on alcohol, silly. But...caffeine. I think caffeine should be labeled as more dangerous than alcohol, seeing as alcohol puts you in a stupor while caffeine just...transforms you into a lunatic. So while I guzzled down a fresh Monster and Jaina slurped up a tall peppermint coffee, something went berserk in our brains and BAM! We were psychos. I think we've officially set a record for freaking everyone out at Youth Group. Especially the boys. Ha.

I also made a sign for the Youth Conference (so did Jaina and Caleb) which came out much better than I expected! Hm...what else can I tell you about? Oh! Thursday night I spent a hundred and fifty dollars on new riding boots. I swear I'm addicted. After that I went riding and Scotty, my love, being the photogenic horse he is posed with me:

Are we not the cutest horsey couple you have ever seen? Scotty is just amazing. I loff 'im.

Huh...what else can I type about today? Well, I wrote a really depressing poem yesterday, which I thought up when walking home from school and looking at the trees. I wrote it down yesterday at Youth Group. So far Jaina's the only one who's heard it. Maybe I'll show you someday...I think I'll go have a Monster.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Failure To Excommunicate

"Every week you work up the strength to fight the flames that are hurled.
Let your faith shine right through.
You know it's the world
versus Jesus and you."
I think this song, these lyrics in particular, describe everything I'm going through right now at school. I am one of the only devout Christians at my school, maybe the only one. It may seem pretty unbelievable since most of you are surrounded by Jesus' followers on a day-to-day basis, but I struggle with convictions and trials when standing for my faith. I am challenged by classmates and even teachers for that matter, nearly every day in front of the class I have to fight the good fight. If you know me very well, you'll realize that I am NOT the kind of person who is going to give up just because everyone's against her, I am NOT the kind of person who is going to conform to superficial trends or attitudes. I am a determined (and maybe a little bit ornery) kind of person that won't settle for neutral...and my teachers are just beginning to see this part of me emerging (since it hasn't been a real issue before now). I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, I'm truly glad to be given a daily oppurtunity to profess my faith before the lost souls of my high school. I'm just asking that you'll all pray for me to have strength and that the Holy Spirit will give me the right words to say when standing up for Christ.
And I also wanted to encourage everyone else to do the may be nervous at first but the jitters disappear once you realize how much the people need to be witnessed to.
"Stand up for what you believe in, even if you're standing alone."

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cough is a funny word

So I've been home for three days--off of work this weekend and out of school today--feeling like...well...poop. I've just been sitting at home doing nothing, wasting my day away watching the Saddle Club on YouTube. It's like, the only horse show out there. Anyways, I really wanna get back to school tommorow. I enjoy it for some *cough*reasons*cough* which I will not mention on a public blog! Anyways...I got new shoes! They're comfy black vans (you know, the skateboarding shoes?) and...yeahh. They're snazzy. Like your face.

Have you noticed that "cough" is a funny word? It has no substance to it...I dunno. I'm gonna go zone out in front of my tv or something...*drool* Buhhbyez :(

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Today's Lesson

I had a riding lesson today...just like every Thursday. And let me just tell you now that Scottie is the silliest, cutest, most fun horse you will ever meet. He can be a little bit skittish at times but I always just wanna squeeze the daylights outta him. He's amazing. Uhmayzing. Uh-may-zing. (Can you tell I've been drinking Coke?) Anyways, today we worked on cantering the figure eight, and I have a picture and a video for you! Lucky little devils:

Everyone says we're a good pair. I agree. It's a tad blurry but I still luff it...and Scottie! Anywho this is after the lesson when I had to walk him out because he was hot, and breathing pretty heavy (we worked a lot today) and that can be dangerous to a horse if you leave them that way. So I walked him around till he was cool and Grandpa took the picture on my request <3>

Video time:

Okay I understand that in the beginning my seat sloppy. After that I got it under control though and, though none of you know too much about riding, I have to admit that Scottie breaking into a trot here and there was partially my fault, partially the fault of whoever designed the riding ring. What I'm trying to say is it's a tiny ring probably not meant for cantering, so it's hard for Scottie to turn corners without trotting, but whatever. I think we did fine. Oh yeah, this was our first time actually cantering the figure eight, so don't criticize me...I know my riding faults! :)

Okely dokely. My throat is uber sore and...and...and...I've got better things to do then post on here. Okay I don't ;) I was joking. I love posting. The internet kind and the horse kind. Ha. Ha. Very funny Bri. Okay I'm gone. NO, wait I'm not. Needless to say...I HAVE NEW AVATARS on my sidebar! Uhm...check 'em ouuttt? :D Okaybyebye.

P.S. I've officially labeled myself an avatard...*gigglesnort* Bye. For real this time.



Title? Please, don't ask. Anyways, since I'm super dooper oopely doopely bored right now, my imagination has been wandering and I decided to have a fun little time here all by myself. How, you are asking? Why I'll tell you. I'm going to find an avatar or two (or three...or ten) to describe each one of you...'you' being my youth group girlies...*coughakatheonlypeoplethatreadthisblogcough* Anyways, here I go:










There you have it. I tried my best to find stuff that would describe you guys well...I hope you likey, eh? Tell me what you think!

P.S. These were in no particular order :)