Two people are obviously attracted to each other
but neither can muster up the courage to say "hi"?
When the sunset behind them was so crimson and purple and widely spread that the sky itself seemed to have grown larger..
Two people are obviously attracted to each other
Posted by Brianna at 4:27 PM 2 comments
Okay, so you can ignore the title because I seriously couldn't think of anything better...but it will be explained later on in this post. But before you get to the good stuff, I get to torture you with a survey that you must read in it's entirety before hearing about...dun dun dun...the dream!:
Posted by Brianna at 12:50 PM 1 comments
Posted by Brianna at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Posted by Brianna at 3:02 PM 3 comments
For telling me I don't have to work tommorow.
Posted by Brianna at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Did you know that when you look up to the Heavens during the night and see hundreds of stars twirling about, you're actually looking into the past? It's the truth; the light from outer space takes so long to reach Earth, it's lightyears old! But living where I live, well, I never really get the chance to see that many stars doing a ballet in the navy blue evenings, but when I do choose to venture outside and tilt my head up, I cherish my limited view. Just a minute ago I was outside, sitting against the side of my house on the porch rail gazing up at the night sky. As cars whizzed by I can assume I was a sight to behold to passerby, sitting alone on my porch at night with knee high striped socks and an astounded expression (I mean, it's not everyday that kids actually appreciate things anymore, right?). But the way I looked was unimportant, I was too busy being fascinated by the Lord's glorious creations. The stars were like a map or connect-the-dot illustrations to some unknown story we haven't quite figured out yet. Maybe, it's God's blueprint. Whatever the stars happen to be, whether floating compressed orbs of space debris or celestial wonders, I am utterly astounded by the beauty that God made them to be. So, whoever's reading this right now, I challenge you to get up off the couch or, rather, your computer chair, quit reading this blog post, go outside and take a few moments to look into the past...
Posted by Brianna at 6:00 PM 1 comments
Depending on your definition of "drunk" you could probably say that Jaina and I were drunk last night. Of course not on alcohol, silly. But...caffeine. I think caffeine should be labeled as more dangerous than alcohol, seeing as alcohol puts you in a stupor while caffeine just...transforms you into a lunatic. So while I guzzled down a fresh Monster and Jaina slurped up a tall peppermint coffee, something went berserk in our brains and BAM! We were psychos. I think we've officially set a record for freaking everyone out at Youth Group. Especially the boys. Ha.
I also made a sign for the Youth Conference (so did Jaina and Caleb) which came out much better than I expected! Hm...what else can I tell you about? Oh! Thursday night I spent a hundred and fifty dollars on new riding boots. I swear I'm addicted. After that I went riding and Scotty, my love, being the photogenic horse he is posed with me:
Are we not the cutest horsey couple you have ever seen? Scotty is just amazing. I loff 'im.
Huh...what else can I type about today? Well, I wrote a really depressing poem yesterday, which I thought up when walking home from school and looking at the trees. I wrote it down yesterday at Youth Group. So far Jaina's the only one who's heard it. Maybe I'll show you someday...I think I'll go have a Monster.
Posted by Brianna at 12:08 PM 1 comments
Posted by Brianna at 3:29 PM 4 comments
So I've been home for three days--off of work this weekend and out of school today--feeling like...well...poop. I've just been sitting at home doing nothing, wasting my day away watching the Saddle Club on YouTube. It's like, the only horse show out there. Anyways, I really wanna get back to school tommorow. I enjoy it for some *cough*reasons*cough* which I will not mention on a public blog! Anyways...I got new shoes! They're comfy black vans (you know, the skateboarding shoes?) and...yeahh. They're snazzy. Like your face.
Have you noticed that "cough" is a funny word? It has no substance to it...I dunno. I'm gonna go zone out in front of my tv or something...*drool* Buhhbyez :(
Posted by Brianna at 9:44 AM 4 comments
Everyone says we're a good pair. I agree. It's a tad blurry but I still luff it...and Scottie! Anywho this is after the lesson when I had to walk him out because he was hot, and breathing pretty heavy (we worked a lot today) and that can be dangerous to a horse if you leave them that way. So I walked him around till he was cool and Grandpa took the picture on my request <3>
Video time:¤t=SCOTTYMYLOVE017.flv
Okay I understand that in the beginning my seat sloppy. After that I got it under control though and, though none of you know too much about riding, I have to admit that Scottie breaking into a trot here and there was partially my fault, partially the fault of whoever designed the riding ring. What I'm trying to say is it's a tiny ring probably not meant for cantering, so it's hard for Scottie to turn corners without trotting, but whatever. I think we did fine. Oh yeah, this was our first time actually cantering the figure eight, so don't criticize me...I know my riding faults! :)
Okely dokely. My throat is uber sore and...and...and...I've got better things to do then post on here. Okay I don't ;) I was joking. I love posting. The internet kind and the horse kind. Ha. Ha. Very funny Bri. Okay I'm gone. NO, wait I'm not. Needless to say...I HAVE NEW AVATARS on my sidebar! Uhm...check 'em ouuttt? :D Okaybyebye.
P.S. I've officially labeled myself an avatard...*gigglesnort* Bye. For real this time.
Posted by Brianna at 7:11 PM 3 comments
Posted by Brianna at 10:48 AM 6 comments