Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Failure To Excommunicate

"Every week you work up the strength to fight the flames that are hurled.
Let your faith shine right through.
You know it's the world
versus Jesus and you."
I think this song, these lyrics in particular, describe everything I'm going through right now at school. I am one of the only devout Christians at my school, maybe the only one. It may seem pretty unbelievable since most of you are surrounded by Jesus' followers on a day-to-day basis, but I struggle with convictions and trials when standing for my faith. I am challenged by classmates and even teachers for that matter, nearly every day in front of the class I have to fight the good fight. If you know me very well, you'll realize that I am NOT the kind of person who is going to give up just because everyone's against her, I am NOT the kind of person who is going to conform to superficial trends or attitudes. I am a determined (and maybe a little bit ornery) kind of person that won't settle for neutral...and my teachers are just beginning to see this part of me emerging (since it hasn't been a real issue before now). I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, I'm truly glad to be given a daily oppurtunity to profess my faith before the lost souls of my high school. I'm just asking that you'll all pray for me to have strength and that the Holy Spirit will give me the right words to say when standing up for Christ.
And I also wanted to encourage everyone else to do the may be nervous at first but the jitters disappear once you realize how much the people need to be witnessed to.
"Stand up for what you believe in, even if you're standing alone."


Tori said...

i love you, bri!! keep up your awesome work! :)

Jaina *JJ* said...

first i must say, that is my favorite relient k song. (dave douglas sings it and he has an amazing voice) and now...

brianna, you are the most amazing girl ever. you have one of the strongest faiths i have ever seen and im glad you here to help me keep on track when i feel like m falling away. it may seem like there are Jesus followers around me all the time, and yet it seems all but my closest friend there are hyporcites, proclaiming their faith and then quite plainly showing me and everyone else that its not Jesus they follow. its horrible because i dont want to follow the trend of them. i try so hard not to be sucked along with them. i can only imagine how much worse it must be for you. i wish i had the chance to proclaim my faith, i feel like im not living a life of action. we're alot alike. rebels for Jesus. you have more chances to show it though. :) i'll pray for you evernight and whenever i remember. never let them intimidate you, remeber that if Jesus (& me) we're standing right there with you we would be smiling and cheering you along.

Brianna said...

Aww thank you guys both <3 I love my support system aka best gals :) I try very very (extra very) hard to live for Jesus everyday...and I do agree Jaina it is my favorite too! Anyways it's awesome to know you guys care about what I'm doing and I love you both (and all of my other Y.G. girlies as well) but my highest priority is to have Jesus' proud of me too <3

Jaina *JJ* said...

and Jesus'll be pround of you for just sticking up for what you beleive, even if it doesn't change their mind immediately. i heard soemwhere it takes the average person 7 times to hear the news of Jesus before accepting Him. your planting seeds and pointing out flaws in scientists today!

ps- i had a blast tonight!! heheheheheheheheehehehheahahahahahahhahahahahahohohohohoohhoghahahahahhehehehehahahaheeeheheheeheheeeeeehehehehahaaahahahahahahhaaaaahahahha!!!