Thursday, November 1, 2007

Today's Lesson

I had a riding lesson today...just like every Thursday. And let me just tell you now that Scottie is the silliest, cutest, most fun horse you will ever meet. He can be a little bit skittish at times but I always just wanna squeeze the daylights outta him. He's amazing. Uhmayzing. Uh-may-zing. (Can you tell I've been drinking Coke?) Anyways, today we worked on cantering the figure eight, and I have a picture and a video for you! Lucky little devils:

Everyone says we're a good pair. I agree. It's a tad blurry but I still luff it...and Scottie! Anywho this is after the lesson when I had to walk him out because he was hot, and breathing pretty heavy (we worked a lot today) and that can be dangerous to a horse if you leave them that way. So I walked him around till he was cool and Grandpa took the picture on my request <3>

Video time:

Okay I understand that in the beginning my seat sloppy. After that I got it under control though and, though none of you know too much about riding, I have to admit that Scottie breaking into a trot here and there was partially my fault, partially the fault of whoever designed the riding ring. What I'm trying to say is it's a tiny ring probably not meant for cantering, so it's hard for Scottie to turn corners without trotting, but whatever. I think we did fine. Oh yeah, this was our first time actually cantering the figure eight, so don't criticize me...I know my riding faults! :)

Okely dokely. My throat is uber sore and...and...and...I've got better things to do then post on here. Okay I don't ;) I was joking. I love posting. The internet kind and the horse kind. Ha. Ha. Very funny Bri. Okay I'm gone. NO, wait I'm not. Needless to say...I HAVE NEW AVATARS on my sidebar! Uhm...check 'em ouuttt? :D Okaybyebye.

P.S. I've officially labeled myself an avatard...*gigglesnort* Bye. For real this time.



Jaina *JJ* said...

MY BRI? TOO MUCH COKE? NEVERRR. brianna, we all Know you have nothing better to do...than be with me and post duuuh. ;]

"more self mutalation, barley....almost...NEARLY thats the word!" <3 hahahaha.

can i be an avatard? hmmm? yay!!

Jaina *JJ* said...

ps- um i love you biffle. the end.

Brianna said...

Hahah "POSTING POSTING...MURDERRRR" That was amazin.

Uhh. Duhh. You're an avatard by default! <3 AKA You're automatically one just by being my friend. Tehe.