Saturday, November 10, 2007

Caffeine;; Please Drink Responsibly

Depending on your definition of "drunk" you could probably say that Jaina and I were drunk last night. Of course not on alcohol, silly. But...caffeine. I think caffeine should be labeled as more dangerous than alcohol, seeing as alcohol puts you in a stupor while caffeine just...transforms you into a lunatic. So while I guzzled down a fresh Monster and Jaina slurped up a tall peppermint coffee, something went berserk in our brains and BAM! We were psychos. I think we've officially set a record for freaking everyone out at Youth Group. Especially the boys. Ha.

I also made a sign for the Youth Conference (so did Jaina and Caleb) which came out much better than I expected! Hm...what else can I tell you about? Oh! Thursday night I spent a hundred and fifty dollars on new riding boots. I swear I'm addicted. After that I went riding and Scotty, my love, being the photogenic horse he is posed with me:

Are we not the cutest horsey couple you have ever seen? Scotty is just amazing. I loff 'im.

Huh...what else can I type about today? Well, I wrote a really depressing poem yesterday, which I thought up when walking home from school and looking at the trees. I wrote it down yesterday at Youth Group. So far Jaina's the only one who's heard it. Maybe I'll show you someday...I think I'll go have a Monster.


Jaina *JJ* said...

we were definately drunk. and that was the most AMAZING night of YG ever. ever. (: we will do that again (at my house...getting drunk). yeah, that was awesoommmeee!

im addicted to buying books & CDs. which is a tad less expensive...